
Save The Date // April 29th






A DANCE Lansing Project facilitated by Clara Martinez.

Come see an open-ended, ongoing choreographic inquiry about ‘How do we become more ourselves, with each other, in dance?’ dance! Located at your ah-mazing Allen Neighborhood Center’s AMP Performance Space. Not so sure if you’re into modern dance? Don’t worry, there’s more…

Support your local brewery and arrive before 7pm to enjoy a drink from Sleepwalker Spirits & Ale, located within the AMP hallway/complex.

Movers, Shakers, and Makers Include the Lovely:
Assa Dembele
Chris Kargl
Deanne Rivera
Laura Spitzfaden

Show length is about 30 min.


Performances and rehearsal space made possible by Allen Neighborhood Center, Happendance, DANCE Lansing, and Arts Council of Greater Lansing.

Oct./Nov. Updates


AUDITION for CHOREO LAB / / WED. NOV. 4th @ Happendance Okemos / / 6-7:25

Please arrive by 5:45pm at the latest to register and fill out a Dancer Profile sheet. We will be in the South Studio (ask the Office Assistant- they will direct you). We will begin moving shortly after 6pm and a welcome/introduction from yours truly. Even if you are unsure about whether you would like to audition, you are still welcome to come and take class. Please enroll by calling Happendance at (517) 333-3528.


TWYLA THARP 50th ANNIVERSARY TOUR- Wharton Center, East Lansing, MI, 11/03/15

I am very excited to witness some Tharp work in the flesh! Check out what she has to say here:

Twyla Tharp’s Rehearsal: Here and Now Forever

Review: From Twyla Tharp, 2 New Pieces for Her Anniversary Tour

~*A quote from her latest NYTimes Artist’s Journal:*~

(On Her Mentors)

“While I did not want to make any of their dances, I had complete respect for what they did. I watched to learn — not to ask, “Do I like this?” but rather, “What is it saying?” I am so grateful to have found a place I can go that is so much bigger than myself.”

Au revoir!


Choreo Lab Audition

Here it is!

I am excited to announce the beginnings of my latest project, CHOREO LAB, a branch of the DANCE Lansing tree.

Rehearsal dates/times will be decided with the cast after the 11/4 audition. Performances will begin in mid/late April 2016, with a few more to trickle in after the start of May.

Feel free to email/call/message with any nitty gritty questions.


Las Primeras Etapas


My name can be pronounced in Spanish and English without changing the spelling.

I am a dancer.

Soy Chicana.

I find myself in situations, studios, spaces, geographies, moments, emotions, relationships, theories of living, and states of mind that require physical exploration in order to be understood by my left and right brain, my heart and my body.

My process is in the beginning stages of being defined. I pride myself on staying in the uneasy, the uncertain, the fear of the unknown to see what comes out on the other side.

What is comfort? What is home? What is embodiment? What is living by example? Who walks the walk and whose talk is cheap? What is my character? What am I made of?

I want to see, know, feel, hear the ferocity of my dancers. I want to experience them in the most awakening art form and understand what makes them feel alive as well as what consumes them. What are their downfalls? Where do their judgments lie? What keeps them wandering? Or wondering? Where does all of this begin, and where can it take us?

Many artists ask and asked these questions. Many people never think to ask them. Even more, some never figure out themselves, and maybe there’s no point in doing so. I believe the answers do not serve as much purpose as asking the questions. If we cannot verbalize or produce a human-made, legible, marketable copy of what we find, then we’ve probably found something worthwhile and even more questioning.

I’m not here to jump through the hoops or answer the questions, nor am I a savior of the world and humanity. I simply need to fulfill the desires within me, and if I’m lucky, I will influence others to uninhibitedly do the same. If anything offers knowledge and progress to the external world, it’s understanding of the internal and the self; to know the reasoning behind what you are doing, and then doing more so the thing you think you are doing. Survival does not come from living paycheck to paycheck. Survival comes from having yourself, and sharing what you can when you can give it, and taking good things when they are offered to you. Somehow, if it becomes more than that, it is living.

This, is what I choose to evoke out of my dancers and myself. The feeling of living, pink and peach bubbles floating up from the concrete around you. The peace within the chaos, the ease of motion in a bustling kitchen, the comfort within the fear.

This is la primera etapa of my choreographic life.